Among the many effects of COVID-19 is the possible shortage of food for every household. It is impacting global food systems, disrupting regional agricultural value chains, and posing risks to household food security.
But through FAITH (Food Always in the Home), the situation that we face right now may just rise to a new hope and a new normal. This is responsive to the possible shortage of food supply by utilizing any available spaces for gardening and food production while on enhanced community quarantine.
With FAITH, every household will not get hungry and can save expenses for food while safeguarding their family’s health within their homes. Through Division Memorandum No. 210, series of 2020 issued by Schools Division Superintendent Eufemia T. Gamutin, CESO V, every personnel in the Division is strongly encouraged to adopt the project because of its positive implications to every family.
Aside from that, SDS Gamutin also emphasized that home gardening would foster family ties and train children to value the rewards of hard work. She has been known for being health-conscious because of her genuine commitment to health and nutrition. This is something that is close to her heart and she has been promoting the project FAITH since then. She even initiated the ongoing gardening in the division office. She also inspires those with existing gardens to plant more and continue to enjoy the comfort and fun of home gardening.
Using the seeds distributed by the Provincial Agriculturist’s Office in partnership with the Department of Agriculture XI-High Value Crops Development Program, many constituents in the province including teachers have now indulged in this productive endeavor.
The seeds were distributed by PAGRO to SDO employees and districts through the initiatives of the Provincial Women Development Council led by Sholai Lim, its chairperson, and was cascaded to the DepEd Professional Women Development Council headed by Dr. Josie T. Bolofer, its president and chief of CID.
One of the salient features which made the FAITH implementation of SDO- Davao De Oro unique from the rest is the incorporation of organic fertilizer technology in cultivating backyard crops. This is in adherence to the government’s program that encourages farmers to indulge into organic farming because of its health benefits.
Teachers from Malinawon Elementary School have lush backyard gardens. A family of teachers from Olaycon, Monkayo shared their well-grown crops. Teachers from Maparat Elementary School, Tabalabao Elementary School, and Mabini Central Elementary School showed their fun-filled experiences with their families while working with their home gardens through a social media post.
The division chiefs also put their best foot forward in the implementation of project FAITH. OIC-ASDS Phoebe Gay L. Refamonte has a well-cultivated front yard garden. Noemi P. Canales and Dr. Hilda Opena, division EPS, used large drums and sacks as an innovative and space-friendly way of gardening.
Aside from making home gardens, raising livestock is also a good option. A teacher shared via Facebook post his self-made backyard poultry. Truly, our creativity and “diskarte” will always take us to a more promising way.
With this remarkable effort, we can be able to sustain life and guarantee that no one will be left starving while we are contesting the distressing pressures of the pandemic. Project FAITH will pave its way being the newest form of food revolution across the country. (By Given G. Hinampas/ Montevista National High School)