Enhancing PISA Readiness: An Integrated Workshop on Digital Literacy, Scientific Inquiry, and Core Subject Competencies on January 8-10, 2025
PR_00315_Lot 2_Supplies_SB
Purpose: Conduct the Assessment and Planning of Journalism Coordinators, CLMD and CID Chiefs, CLMD Supervisors, and DRASPAI Officers for RSPC 2025 on January 15, 2025.
Purpose: : For the printing of the quarterly DepEd XI Newsletter.
Purpose: Procurement of meals and accommodation for the conduct of Face to Face / Hybrid Regional ManCom Meetings and various meetings, conferences/hostings including but not limited to ProgCom Meetings, RexeCom Meetings, Top Management Meetings, Quality Management Review Meetings, Urgent/Emergency Meetings, Meetings with Stakeholders and other related activities for FY 2025.
Conduct of Alternative Learning System Capability Building Acitivities.
PR_00299_Furniture& Fixtures_RNEAP_SB
Purpose: Procurement of the above items are for RNEAP dormitory and function halls.
Purpose: Procurement of Office Furniture and Fixtures for DepEd Regional Office XI use.
Purpose: For Supply and Installation of Block Out Roller Shades of the Regional Office.
PR_00286_RepairVanMVF No.1301-1552249_GSU_SV
Purpose: Procurement of service provider for repair/install/replacement of parts for Toyota Hi-Ace Van white – MVF No. 1301-1552249.