Completing the series of launching of the Department of Education (DepEd) Division of Tagum City’s Television-Based Instruction, La Filipina National High School (LFNHS) launched its TV-Based Program dubbed as Salida La Filipina TV featuring a twenty-minute discussion of Grade 8 Journalism and Technical Vocational Livelihood subjects.
Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Josephine L. Fadul said the three station schools identified by DepEd Tagum City would give comfort and ease to teachers who will be recording their own TV-Based Instruction in Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School with the assistance from the City Government of Tagum.
“Part of the features of the studio are from the Special Education Fund. Initially, we have approved last week 900 thousand pesos,” Fadul added.
Fadul also encouraged the teachers of LFNHS to continue producing best outputs for the students and be happy working and performing teachers.
“Undoubtedly, you have been showing everything that realizes the word excellence. The opposite is happening today because it is you who are inspiring us,” Fadul addressed the teachers.
In his speech, Mayor Allan Rellon said the TV-Based Instruction is an example of transformational teaching that is selfless, and he also urged the barangays to support education by making their vehicles available for the schools.
With what was witnessed during the launching, DepEd Region XI CLMD Chief Janette Veloso, as representative of Regional Director Evelyn Fetalvero, said Tagum City has lived up to its mantra of “Tagum Tagumpay.”
“Tagum City remains to be the first. You are the first to forge partnership with the LGU. You are the first to have oriented your parents. Tagum City Division is the first to have TV telecast for elementary, Junior High School and Senior High School,” Veloso stressed.
School Principal Jeffrey Villarosa said the school has invested for this milestone in the service of the students.
Part of the launching was the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between LFNHS and the Adopt-a-School Program partners namely Metro Gear Construction Corporation, Magalona Real Estate Lessor, and Tea Barrel Café.
DepEd Tagum identified three schools that will spearhead its TV-Based Instruction, namely, LFNHS, Tagum City National Comprehensive High School which launched Lantaw Compre TV on August 26, and Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School which launched its Pilot TV on September 3.
Television-Based Instruction is one of DepEd’s learning modalities along with Radio-Based Instruction, online, and modular learning in the absence of face-to-face learning due to Covid pandemic.
Photo by John Van Dave Taturo, Janica Candido, and Jerry Cespon